Dr Strange asked the question, "What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?"
I think teachers and students can teach us more about project based learning. I also think that project based learning is very useful in a classroom. It gets the students invovled in the learning experience. Dr. Strange gave us a fsome resources to use.
The first article is called Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning . This article gives good ways you can really use to ensure project based learning in the classroom. Like what you need to know about project based learning. I think that when teachers do not have an begining event to announce a project, it may seem like it doesn't matter to the student. To get the students interested in a project you really need to make it seem fun and motivate them before they get started on the project.
The next video called Project-Based Learning for Teachers. This video tells what project-based learning does in the classroom and what ways it helps students. This video does a good job in giving you ways to use it and just how useful it can be. This video shows ways that is basic and easy to understand. These kinds of projects will be used in my classroom when I start teaching.
The next article I used was Project Based Learning in P.E. This is a good choice for students using project based learning in their high school P.E. class. This teacher really invovled his students in their learning experience. He had his students to create their own physical fitness programs, after that they got to share them with the middle school students. I really think that this is really involving the students,and they are learning but also sharing it with others.
The next video was What Motivates Students. This video was about students saying what their teacher did to help motivate them. The kids were honest in this video. This video really showed me that encouragement from the teacher can go a long way with the students. If the teacher is likes it, most likely the students are going to like it as well.
The last video I used is Two Students Solve the Case of the Watery Ketchup By Designing A New Cap . This video was very inspiring. These young men used project based learning to create an great new product that could be sold in stores. This video really shows that students can really help in teaching others about their research. Students can teach us more about project based learning, I think that they have to be motivated in what they are researching.
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