1. What are the things (if any) you have heard about EDM310?
2. What fears (if any) do you have about EDM310?
3. Compare and contrast EDM310 with other courses you have taken in college or high school.
4. What do you think will be the most difficult thing for you in EDM310?
5. What is the best way for you to address this “most difficult” aspect of EDM310?
I myself haven't heard much about the class to be honest, I'm just getting to South Alabama and it was on my schedule to take. I have heard a few things since I have started the course and I believe that the course will be a little challenging. The fears that I have in this class would be that I can't keep up with everything. Although I'm going to do my best to do the work, some of it seems difficult at times, because I'm not use to the computer in that way. Edm310 is a course that is very different from what I am use too, because I haven't had a course that was this involved with computers. This course is completely on the computer, its a "green" course. I personally have never had a course that was totally "green".
The most difficult thing in this course would be learning to work solely with the computer. I know the basic functions of a computer, and know how to do some stuff with the computer. Although, I do take instruction well some stuff is a little more difficult to understand. But, I will use the lab to help me in anyway I need to be helped. That is one thing about me, I'm not scared to ask for help.
This course may seem scary and overwhelming at first, but you will learn so much about computers, blogging, and other tools over the course of this semester. So even if you're not very savvy with computers now, you probably will be at the end of the class!